> I was looking through some emails yesterday and I found this gem!
Lucky the bird doesn't read this blog I remember the bird being
upset about this photo but what better way to ring in the new year
then with a little flapping especially with baby bird also in the
photo learning to fly!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Rare Bird Sighting
Morning laugh
I am a wee bit grumpy in the morning and this morning was no
different. That is until I was pouring my daily eight cups of coffee I
looked down and saw mochi happily rolling around on a dish towel.
Sometimes it really is the little things !!
different. That is until I was pouring my daily eight cups of coffee I
looked down and saw mochi happily rolling around on a dish towel.
Sometimes it really is the little things !!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Never ending story
This seems like the longest day ever!!
I still have one more to go and then four days off in a row!!!
It seems like I have been sitting in this chair for four days straight
and although the office has a skeleton crew it seems as though the
ones that are here are the loud ones even my podcasts aren't helping!!!
I just want to go home and play guitar hero. . . . Two more hours
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Mission accomplishment
Thanks to my brother and his family and some sage advice from X and MA
we got a beautiful crib!!
Yea and I have to say it does look a bit better then the pack and play!!
we got a beautiful crib!!
Yea and I have to say it does look a bit better then the pack and play!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
3 way combo
I feel really sick from eating too much!!
I am in walnut creek for training and hears this place was good. It
was definitely worth it!! If youbonly like veggies this isn't your
place although it did come with a side of spring mix salad a half of a
sweet potatoe and a small scoop of potatoe salad. I went for the
brisket, ribs and link all quite tasty!!
I am in walnut creek for training and hears this place was good. It
was definitely worth it!! If youbonly like veggies this isn't your
place although it did come with a side of spring mix salad a half of a
sweet potatoe and a small scoop of potatoe salad. I went for the
brisket, ribs and link all quite tasty!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
**I LOVE THIS SHOW.....at first i thought it was a bit annoying just a show that came on after one of my favorite shows HIMYM.........but now i enjoy it just as much as the other one.........
Of other note, laundry load number 4 is just about ready to be folded and it is freaking freezing in the house since the heater is broken.
We were in a contest to see who would cave first on touching the thermostat to turn on the heater(honestly if you know the other contestant you would now the odds were 100 to 1 that I would be winning this one..my winter coat is a bit fuller then the other contestant) ....anyways defeat was conceded last nite only to discover that the heater doesn't work anyway........bummer. almost gives me incentive to hang out with the warm clothes out of the dryer!!
Of other note, laundry load number 4 is just about ready to be folded and it is freaking freezing in the house since the heater is broken.
We were in a contest to see who would cave first on touching the thermostat to turn on the heater(honestly if you know the other contestant you would now the odds were 100 to 1 that I would be winning this one..my winter coat is a bit fuller then the other contestant) ....anyways defeat was conceded last nite only to discover that the heater doesn't work anyway........bummer. almost gives me incentive to hang out with the warm clothes out of the dryer!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Joking aside I am really nervous although the forecast looks positive at least for Obama becoming president. It is still a wait if Vote for HATE yes on 8 is on its way to passing, so that is still leaving me feeling a bit queasy. . . . . .
here's to crossing my fingers and hoping that Adam was able to sway some voters with his diligent blogging.
Joking aside I am really nervous although the forecast looks positive at least for Obama becoming president. It is still a wait if Vote for HATE yes on 8 is on its way to passing, so that is still leaving me feeling a bit queasy. . . . . .
here's to crossing my fingers and hoping that Adam was able to sway some voters with his diligent blogging.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
bad mood
I had an awful day where my faith in humanity and just the hope in general that if you do the right thing that it will get better was completely shattered. This is not the venue nor could I even find the words to convey what happened or why I feel this way. I just want to vent that is all. My question is why people continue to do fucked up things and then disguise them as something else entirely. ( Excuse my language but those who know me well should be used to it). Just call it like it is I can totally respect that. You want me to do something just because you can tell me to do it, sure fine but save the spinning for someone else I don't play that.
As the saying roughly goes DON'T Polish a turd and try to sell it to me as a diamond.
As the saying roughly goes DON'T Polish a turd and try to sell it to me as a diamond.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
just cuz
I am voting for Obama because I think his voice is sexy.
I don't know anything about his policies and I think it would be insane and out of line if anyone said that this stance was ignorant or dangerous. I totally think catch phrases are awesome and I want to feel like the people who are leading the country are just as dumb as I am. I don't think it is at all disingenuous to replace foreign policy and actual knowledge with pointless phrases that reduce things into a complete meaningless substance free pile of gibberish. Yup sounds sane to me, read my lips joe six packers this is why America is awesome.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I have a bat in the Belfry
So per usual I have been dragging my feet on updating, I have a lot of excuses but I think I used them last time.....So since I last blogged the dog survived as you can tell from the previous post(now she has an epi pen...i know i know that sounds crazy). A hideous mangy ugly sick cat moved into the front yard....We tried to ignore her as she lay on the lawn "playing" dead.....and well to make a long story short we fed her.....took her to the vet.....gave her a name...Formaldehyde....and still refuse to say she is really our cat even though she lives in the back room since she learned how to use the dog door. How can you resist that? We just got her fixed and the vet thinks this steroid shot should stop the wheezing sneezing and mouth ulcers so I guess she is here to stay. CousCous would very much like her to politely leave but I don't think that is going to happen.
So the reason I feel energized to update is that I had a very nice and fun weekend with nephew nano. We played with legos a lot, first on Saturday we put together a smaller set on Indiana Jones legos that included motorcycles for a good old fashioned bad guy chase. We dined on Lunchables, or at least bo and nano did I sensibly made my self something else to eat. Then I remembered there was a cute kids movie out, IGOR. I saw the trailer and to be honest I wanted to see it myself but nephew Nano provided cover for me. It was very much in the vein of Tim Burton, especially the way the King looked like the mayor in Nightmare before Christmas and the sense of humor was great. I really enjoyed this movie and already am planning to but it for my home collection when it hits DVD. It was better then i even thought it would be, with a good plot. After the movie we went to Panda Express, I haven't eaten there except maybe one time in college so I was a bit hesitant, also since fast food chinese is not my favorite. I have to say although still not in my list of favorites as far as being cheap and decent and not making me sick from the grease and msg like other cheapie chinese places this place is a good stand by.
The evening was finished by some sponge bob and running in circles. Then in the middle of the night Nano awoke(i think at first to pee) but then to declare how awesome it would be in the morning when we put together the Batman legos etc etc. (we didn't get to them the day before since the movie took a chunk of daylight). I suppose the anticipation was killing him all night, that is what makes kids so sweet they unlike us embittered adults truly get happy over the seemingly smallest things. So at 6:45am this morning Nano and I began to construct the Batman set, luckily I had saved the harder set for last because I am as sharp as a tack at 7am!! After a lucky charm break or two we made it through and now nephew nano has a pile of cool legos.
The rest of the day we spend digging in dirt, making messes and taking couscous for a walk. Then for fun we tried out the ice cream place that opened up recently in the Tower on Olive. They have a variety of ice cream some made at Fresno State and some Foster Farms. I had mocha almond fudge, Nano had Rainbow sherbert and Bo had Butter Pecan. There were no complaints and no ice cream left from the three of us so that is a good sign. The place is cute I hadn't made it in prior to today. I hope they make it and I will make more of a conscious effort to head down there. Of note they even have ice creams for your dog, so if you are walking fido by you can stop and not feel guilty since they can join in on the fun!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
i still hate BEES
I know that without bees agriculturally we would be screwed....I respect them for their hard work and sacrifice and for making damn good fruits and vegetables etc. etc. but i still secretly wish i could have a little invisible bubble around me that kept bees and all their little stingy friends away from me......Ever since my mom was gone one Saturday and my dad let me watch "Attack of the Killer Bees" the sweet little flying things have been on my shit list.....I read everything i could while growing up certain that any day a migrating hive of killer bees would land in my back yard and abolish me from the planet.........why you ask am I on an Anti-Bee tirade on this lovely and peaceful Sunday evening............well you see my beloved allergic to apparently everything dog was 'allegedly" stung this morning. This hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and since this is indeed the USAand i have no innocent or guilty suspects to deport to Guantanamo I may never know the truth...All i do know is that my dog vomited.......then collapsed and then started having trouble breathing..this lead me to drive 70 mph on city streets to the Pet Er...........where they saved her life but definitely not my attempt to pay the credit card off...........so while acknowledging they are completely amazing creatures with their little dances and much better then humans since they self police and murder the lazy.................i still state with no remorse F - YOU BEES!!!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Came across some music I had never heard before.............FLOBOTS....
I am very impressed, however someone else was not.......I just don't see how you can top a song with lyrics such as "i can ride a bike with no handle bars..." nice.
I haven't been this happy since the never ending math equation
I am very impressed, however someone else was not.......I just don't see how you can top a song with lyrics such as "i can ride a bike with no handle bars..." nice.
I haven't been this happy since the never ending math equation
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I am in big trouble for my lack of updating....I had some sweet photos of Adam flying his helicopter........and sara, adam and I at the softball game a few weeks ago but I have been too lazy to download them............................So in lieu of photos everyone must deal with my ranting.....or would it be raving..............Anyways been busy with the house....The roof disaster, turned ceiling disaster.......has now become a painting disaster........i spent my day off trying to paint it but even with primer I ran out of paint, and since it was dinner for my nieces 16th bday I had to quit mid-paint..........it has been 4 days and i haven't even attempted to restart the process..........I was tempted by a paint sprayer i saw on sale at costco......it may be late in the painting process of my house but I am growing tired of wax on wax off painting process....patience is not exactly a virtue possess.......On to more exciting things........Yesterday I went Geocaching with Adam and it was good times. The odd thing is that technically I geocache everyday...... However nothing could keep me from feeling joy when i found a plastic box full of plastic pirate stuff.....even if i could have spent 5 dollars to get a pile of plastic crap and keep it.......My last random thought is that i hope that Sequoia will keep Half Dome on the menu........Or else I am going to have to keep buying growlers for now and wondering if each pint will be the last..............................sad
Friday, April 25, 2008
Total Failure
So i realize i haven't been doing so good with this blogging thing......So lets try to catch up with things...shouldn't be too hard since i am quite boring....Since I last posted the cat ran away....sad........Just Kidding he loves his new hair cut and i dare anyone to prove other wise.
The hole in my ceiling has been repaired
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
This week I am enjoying a lovely vacation, where I am supposed to be doing something really important......however I have been avoiding that and instead focusing on things that well maybe aren't as important...........
**No animals were harmed in the making of these pictures and I saved 50 bucks by doing it myself.....you can hardly tell I think that makes this a WIN WIN situation for all parties involved.
Monday, April 7, 2008
My Bird Project

Last year a pair of doves spent weeks trying to nest on the motion detector light in my backyard just under the roof eave. This went on and on and resulted in the cement being littered with nest making debris. At first I thought my lovely well trained puppy was the cause but soon I saw the birds at work.....So i thought i would staple a cardboard box up in the corner to see how that would work...The box worked good but on batch 2 of baby birds it had what I would call a Gangsta Lean....so of course naturally I applied duct tape to secure it.......
Finally after the birds had moved out for the summer I installed a piece of wood with some L-brackets.......Still a little less then aesthetically pleasing......but a step up at any rate.
Then the birds came back or a new set came and hooray 2 new babies..=) At this point the "babies" look almost as big as their mom. As you can see from the pic....some remnants of duct tape remain......
Friday, March 28, 2008
Who is Horton anyways???
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Today was a good day
I think it is important to start things of with a bang or in this case a crash....Today part of the ceiling caved in which is pretty darn exciting. I have been putting off calling the roofer.......Not wanting to accept the large sum of money that I am guessing this is going to cost ....The water started pouring from the ceiling fan last week but that still didn't seem like a significant enough sign that I really really needed to get it fixed....Instead i put up a 3rd tarp.....But today was the last straw........I am thinking once the ceiling starts to cave in it is time to stop waiting because the worse part is already here!! Plus I think i will do my part by stimulating the economy and purchasing some comp roll, nails, and plywood.
***Note:no pets or people were harmed during this event!
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