So per usual I have been dragging my feet on updating, I have a lot of excuses but I think I used them last time.....So since I last blogged the dog survived as you can tell from the previous post(now she has an epi pen...i know i know that sounds crazy). A hideous mangy ugly sick cat moved into the front yard....We tried to ignore her as she lay on the lawn "playing" dead.....and well to make a long story short we fed her.....took her to the vet.....gave her a name...Formaldehyde....and still refuse to say she is really our cat even though she lives in the back room since she learned how to use the dog door. How can you resist that? We just got her fixed and the vet thinks this steroid shot should stop the wheezing sneezing and mouth ulcers so I guess she is here to stay. CousCous would very much like her to politely leave but I don't think that is going to happen.
So the reason I feel energized to update is that I had a very nice and fun weekend with nephew nano. We played with legos a lot, first on Saturday we put together a smaller set on Indiana Jones legos that included motorcycles for a good old fashioned bad guy chase. We dined on Lunchables, or at least bo and nano did I sensibly made my self something else to eat. Then I remembered there was a cute kids movie out, IGOR. I saw the trailer and to be honest I wanted to see it myself but nephew Nano provided cover for me. It was very much in the vein of Tim Burton, especially the way the King looked like the mayor in Nightmare before Christmas and the sense of humor was great. I really enjoyed this movie and already am planning to but it for my home collection when it hits DVD. It was better then i even thought it would be, with a good plot. After the movie we went to Panda Express, I haven't eaten there except maybe one time in college so I was a bit hesitant, also since fast food chinese is not my favorite. I have to say although still not in my list of favorites as far as being cheap and decent and not making me sick from the grease and msg like other cheapie chinese places this place is a good stand by.
The evening was finished by some sponge bob and running in circles. Then in the middle of the night Nano awoke(i think at first to pee) but then to declare how awesome it would be in the morning when we put together the Batman legos etc etc. (we didn't get to them the day before since the movie took a chunk of daylight). I suppose the anticipation was killing him all night, that is what makes kids so sweet they unlike us embittered adults truly get happy over the seemingly smallest things. So at 6:45am this morning Nano and I began to construct the Batman set, luckily I had saved the harder set for last because I am as sharp as a tack at 7am!! After a lucky charm break or two we made it through and now nephew nano has a pile of cool legos.
The rest of the day we spend digging in dirt, making messes and taking couscous for a walk. Then for fun we tried out the ice cream place that opened up recently in the Tower on Olive. They have a variety of ice cream some made at Fresno State and some Foster Farms. I had mocha almond fudge, Nano had Rainbow sherbert and Bo had Butter Pecan. There were no complaints and no ice cream left from the three of us so that is a good sign. The place is cute I hadn't made it in prior to today. I hope they make it and I will make more of a conscious effort to head down there. Of note they even have ice creams for your dog, so if you are walking fido by you can stop and not feel guilty since they can join in on the fun!!