Friday, October 3, 2008

just cuz

I am voting for Obama because I think his voice is sexy.

I don't know anything about his policies and I think it would be insane and out of line if anyone said that this stance was ignorant or dangerous. I totally think catch phrases are awesome and I want to feel like the people who are leading the country are just as dumb as I am. I don't think it is at all disingenuous to replace foreign policy and actual knowledge with pointless phrases that reduce things into a complete meaningless substance free pile of gibberish. Yup sounds sane to me, read my lips joe six packers this is why America is awesome.


timidvenus said...

that is awesome.

im voting for palin cause shes milf-y. i forgot who shes running with though...

QTNEY13 said...


I am glad that I know that you are joking.......

timidvenus said...

or do you...