Monday, November 23, 2009


I stayed up way to late playing Wii and sitting by the fire shown
below. I need a nap or at the very least an americano. You would think
I would learn my lesson but really I just want work to be done so I
can light another fire and play more wii. I also really want to go buy
he new rabbids game but I am trying to excercise self control. yup no
new game until lil mac kicks everyone's @$$!!
Yup I am maturing, a sign of the wisdom gained in my nearly 30 years.


Adam said...

You should invite me over some time. I'll help feed your video game addiction.

QTNEY13 said...

any time!! I love to play but i am no where nest your skillz!! I do however have a house full of beer and snacks to make up for that


how come i didn't get invited to the wii party?

QTNEY13 said...

come one come all!! spontaneous wii party at my house right now!!