Thursday, May 7, 2009


**note this scenario never happened....
3 years ago......
PERSON 1: Hey would you like to be on my new volunteer project, it is to help purple people and well you are purple? We do presentations and hang out with mini purple people all while wearing company logoed shirts.
persons 2: no thank you I really don't like being in situations like that I would like to pass.
person 2(a very passive person) ok i will go to first meeting and check it out.

person 3: [to person 2]( a purple people disliker) Hey im sponsoring the purple people program, aren't you excited for the first mini purple people meeting?

5 minutes later....
person 2: [to person 1] i changed my mind thanks but i would rather not be on purple people promotional project.
PERSON 1: what i am very sad to hear that let me know if you change mind.bla bla bla bla bla bla
person 2 : ok will do

....months later
person 1[to person 2] did you see us on front page of newspaper with purple people club??
person 1: .......(no response)

......3 weeks ago
person 1: (email to person 2) i have a great opportunity for you to help me at a special mini purple people camp! it will be awesome and cool and stuff.
person 2: thanks for the opportunity, but i am not interested.
person 1 :[email] Why? i want to know why? call me......tell me are only other purple people here with yellow spot. you will get paid i don't see what problem is.
person 2: . . . . . . . . . . . .
person 1: i really need you to call me back! I realize you don't want to help with purple people meeting but i still want you to call. I don't really like taking no for answer, so call me i mean it is fine if you don't just call me.
person 2: . .. . .. . . . . .
person 1: i am really starting to take this personal....i thought of new thing you could help me with at purple people meeting. call me....just call me i want to talk to you about this.
person 2: . . . . . . . . . . .
person 1: is your two waypager broke? I realize that you aren't interested but call me. Maybe you should fix your pager.(sarcasm dripping)
person 2: . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .

5 hours later....

person 2: (email to person 1)I have listened to all media dissemintated on topic of purple people meeting, and i am not interested. Repeatedly asking me why i don't want to be on purple people comitee is having no affect and i do not appreciate tone of last email.

the end.....maybe




QTNEY13 said...

exactly! I am glad you agree


I don't like purple people anyway:) So good choice.

QTNEY13 said...

Um I think you might have missed the point. This story is not aboutlovibg or hating purple people it is about respecting other people' a decisions even if you don't agree.

QTNEY13 said...

Oh and I almost forgot it is also about not lying or pretending to like something to achieve personal/professional gain.