Sunday, January 3, 2010

happy new year

The new year so far is going well. So far in the new year I have been
quite unusually active.
Friday- new years day just some shopping and pretending to see Avatar
again ( keep going to theater then bailing) but managed to grab some
lunch at Panera and get some good deals at the bookstore.
Saturday- headed up to Yosemite. The snow quantity was a bit
underwhelming but it was still pretty and the number of people wasn't
too high. It was good to go there, I can't even rememvet the last time
I was there probably almost 10 years ago.
Saturday Night- hit the Rocky Horror live show at Tower Theater.
that was a good time I really enjoyed myself even though rice throwing
was prohibited. The plce was packed to capacity I was really happy to
see te turnout. I hope they bring it back next year.
Sunday- broke out the bikes for a jaunt around Woodward park.
Yup I am out of shape!!!!!!!! Watching my bro-Inlaw dust me then turn
around and relap me while pulling a trailer with a kid and a baby seat
on the back with a second kid is quite humbling. I'm so tired right
now I can barely move, it quite sad!!! I'm very sure that this year I
will think about attempting to exercise more frequently and then not
do anything.

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