Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Icarus or a MacBook

So I had a sort of impulsive thought the other night involving a Macbook. I have wanted one for years but have been too cheap to pull the trigger since i can get a windows one for so much less. However my current laptop is starting to fail and has to be plugged in all the time and Someone depends on it quite a bit for school, including a class this semester that requires you to submit an essay in the last hour of class. I am worried that without a plug someone might have a computer failure and get an F in the class. So Sunday night I put it in my cart, but then had second thoughts about the 1000 dollars it would cost and removed it.

Thank goodness because then this week we had to take Icarus to the vet. He has been crying a lot, acting weird and worst of all started peeing on all kinds of things. I know from experience that male cats are predisposed to getting urinary tract infections so I was afraid that might be the cause. Well that issue hasn't been answered but in the examination they found he has a broken tooth(WTF, how did he break his tooth?!! Was he in a bar fight I don't know about) and the extraction will be about 500, the other tests etc about the same.....
now if i can only get Icarus to send emails and wear an apple sticker.

1 comment:

tootles said...

awwww poor kitty